This is the hardest subject for me to write about because paying your bills off can be a challenge, but it can also be very rewarding.  I hope to make this easier than you expect it to be with these few easy steps.  I have found that if a plan is broken down into steps then there isn't as many ways for it not to be a success.  I intend to show you how to enjoy getting those bills paid off for good.
Step #1.  Make a list of everything that you owe.  These are debts like credit cards, mortgages, car loans, medical bills and so on.  Write down the minimum payment due for each bill.  If you are computer-savvy then you may want to use an Excel worksheet, you can find templates for these online for free.  You may also use good old-fashioned pencil and paper, which is how I started when I first started to get my bills paid off. The idea is to find out how much you owe and to whom.  How you keep track of the information is up to you.  Either way will work.
Step # 2.  Arrange your bills in order of smallest to largest.  Now add all of the monthly payments from your bills and add in your normal bills, i.e. utility bills and so on.  Subtract that amount from your take-home money.  What you have left is what we will start working with.
Step #3.  Look at your smallest bill that has an ending balance (the total amount, not the payment amount).  Try to add an extra ten dollars, or more if you can to that payment each month until you get it paid off.  After that bill is gone, go the next smallest bill and look at that payment. 
Step #4.  Add what you were paying on the bill you just paid off to the rest of this bill’s payments until it too, is paid off.  Keep going down the line in this fashion, and before you know it, you will have all your bills paid off.
Set your goals and stick to them.  You will be surprised how fast you will feel financially stronger.  Once you have all your bills paid off, it is important to remain out of debt.  Check out the other topics on this blog to help you stay debt free.


  1. What if by unseen circumstances you have no money left at the end of the month but are in the red?

    1. Woolywoods, we have all be in that unfortunate spot from time to time. That is one of the many reasons that I recommend an emergency fund. There are many tips under "Learning to save" that will help you to avoid these spots in the future.


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